Cecelia Wisner
Ice Sparklers Head Coach and Senior Academy Coach

Cecelia Wisner is a USFS Gold Medalist in Moves in the Field and a Silver Medalist in Free skate.  After taking several years away from the ice, she is now enjoying being back on the ice coaching, skating with a local adult synchronized skating team, and working her way through the USFS dance track - most recently passing her Pre-Silver dance test. As part of her commitment to providing quality coaching to her students, Cecelia is pursuing coaching ratings through the Professional Skaters Association and attends the annual PSA Summit and/or USFS Coach’s College each year.  Cecelia has earned a Registered Rating for Moves in the Field and Certified Rating for Group Instruction with the PSA.  Outside of skating, Cecelia is also works as a pharmacy technician and in her free time enjoys spending time outdoors or reading a good book. 

 Contact info: ckwis418@gmail.com